Friday, June 15, 2007

All's quiet...for now.

Sabrina is adapting well to her new home and I've enjoyed the pleasure of having her so near to where I live and work. Mommy and Daddy have been very generous by letting me stop in almost every day since she's been home. Today I have my two grandsons, and both have a cold so we are staying away.

This is always such a wonderful time for me; the days I have my two boys! DJ is growing much to quickly and seems to be losing that "baby" boy in him. He's always such a treat to have over because there is always something new I discover about him. He's too bright for Grandma, that's for sure. His little brother Riley is also growing up too fast. Riley is still a cuddle bug and he still let's me rock him when he's tired. He's a pistol and loves to be mimic his older brother. Riley has a personality all his own, and charming as every. I guess they get that from there Mommy.

While they napped today (can you believe they are down at the same time? I should be napping too) I was busy trying to create a new business card with my LifeTimez software program. Actually, it was with another program but importing the designs from LifeTimez. As my friend Kristie will attest to, I'm not much of a techie when it comes to computers. Maybe you shouldn't ask her, I'm not sure what she'd say when it comes to my computer skills, or lack of them. So, I created a new card but I haven't been able to figure out how to save it so that I can share it for comments from my CC partners. If only Kristie lived next door.....she'd probably not answer the door. :)

If I can ever figure it out, I'll post it here for your comments too.

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