Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Playing with my wonderful digital software program by Topline Creations called Life Timez has been such fun. When I find I don't have time to pull out my paper scrap supplies I can always get several pages done with this digital program. A great perk to this is having the ability to create one album for multiple people just ONCE! How cool is that?

Naturally, my favorite subjects are my children and grandchildren. When I get to missing them, I pull up to the computer and create away. Spending time recalling the fun and joy they give me is a great way to end a hectic day. There's nothing like loving memories of your loved ones to fall asleep with.

Monday, February 26, 2007

I've been playing with my Life Timez software program tonight. Yes, I should be doing other things tonight but I desperately needed to get some scrapbooking time in. While this is digital scrapping, it is still feeding my need to scrap.

I cannot tell you how revitalizing it is to be able to sit back and create some pages. Pages of photos that mean so much to me, and memories that will be in my heart forever. Knowing that these photos will be preserved for generations to come is an awesome feeling. How could anyone not treasure these books?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

It's Sunday morning and I had the pleasure of having DJ an extra night. We didn't get a lot accomplished but we definately had fun. He's busy at this moment playing with his trains and I'm trying to rush to get a little something posted here.
I noticed that I got my girl to start her own blog. She's really much more creative and witty than I am so it will be a treat to see what she posts from time to time. She's a very busy young lady so I know I won't expect to see her daily.
I'm almost set with clearing, cleaning, toss and purging things out of my house. Now I'm concentrating on organizing my scrapbook room. I need to get busy booking parties, events and finding events to vendor at. I want my scrap biz to grow and it won't do that unless I feed it. So, here's to finding the food for growth!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Weekends aren't long enough!

It's already Saturday morning and I'm looking at the long list of things to do and wondering how I'm going to fit them all in. First thing up was having breakfast with DJ. We've got Thomas and Friends on PBS going and we've finished our eats.
I have to tackle more purging in the garage. Boy can I accumulate "stuff" and over 30 years in one place has proven that. It's amazing the things one can find in boxes stuck up in the garage. It's also been a little bit of a trip down memory lane. Remember when Cabbage Patch dolls were the rage? Well I've even found a box load of those out there.
Before I start in the garage we are off to the paint store. I just found out that my new house mate will be here in one week not two and I desperately need to paint that bedroom. It looks like a long day here but the end results will be worth the work.
I can't wait for a day of scrapbooking!

Friday, February 23, 2007

It's really Friday!

This was my week with my grandsons and as usual it was a wonderful day. When I stop and watch them move about I realize how fast life has flown by. It seems like it was just a short time ago when their mother was doing similar things at that same age. It's hard to believe that much time has passed by. So before I go to bed for the night I've started my own list of resolutions.

I know traditionally one is supposed to make these resolutions on New Year's day but I was never one to follow that tradition. For some reason at this point it just seems appropriate. Before too much of life slips pass me I want to be sure and meet some goals and realize some dreams. I know with the support of my wonderful girlfriends I can do just about anything.

Well, it's time for bed and my four year old grandson decided to spend the night. So we are up later than we should be and I need to spend some last minute quality time with him. I wish you all sweet dreams and a good night's rest.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Well, with the help of my friends and a lot of encouragement, I think I finally got a picture posted here. This is a real learning experience here. I don't know how I would have ever found the nerve to give it shot without them.

It's the weekend for me and I can't wait to get some scrapping done. The weather will be cool for SoCal but that makes it even better to work inside. If you're a scrapper, drop me a line.

Don't forget the Oscar's on Sunday. What are your favorites for this year?

End of the week

I'm fortunate enough to work a 4/10 so today is my Friday. What makes this even better is it's PAYDAY, WOOHOO! I am also lucky enough to have a job that I enjoy and comes easy for me so I really can't complain. My real passion is scrapbooking and even though I haven't been doing it for as long as some, I found I'm actually pretty darn good at it.

I'm trying to build a business through scrapbooking that I hope, will only enhance my life. So far it has. Through scrapbooking I have not only created some beautiful books that my family can enjoy for generations but I have met and made so many wonderful new friends. I have yet to meet someone at a scrapbook event that hasn't been anything but helpful and friendly. If you haven't tried it, you really must give it a shot. It's the end of my work week and it's coming up on the end of most of yours, so find a scrapbook friend and share some quality time creating great memories.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Looking for help

This is my first attempt at creating a blog and I'm hoping some of you more experienced bloggers will lend constructive advice. I'm also hoping for some computer savy people that can guide through the learning process of the wonderful world of the web. That said, please accept this as an invitation to help me along.

I've just spend about 30 minutes trying to get to this point so tell me what you think. This has been long over due so I'm hoping this will be a rewarding experience. I did it and I'm here, at last!