Monday, April 7, 2008

Whirl Wind Weekend!

Wow, trying saying that fast three times! That's what this weekend felt like. After trying to absorb all that TLC put before us, and deciding on what my next step will be I think I've pretty much made up my mind, or not. I got the news late Friday afternoon that TLC would longer have a consultant based business, but rather a "buyers club" for customers/members only. While it is fine for hobbyist, I was hoping to keep my small team going and grow some so that I could work this more actively as I approached retirement.

Over the weekend I scoured through so many direct sales business opportunities that I actually felt I was getting the information confused. I did find one company that isn't scrapbook related that I'm going to work for part-time and see where that goes. It's a new avenue for me.

I also found Heritage Makers which is strictly digital but I can use my existing LifeTimez desktop software with it. I also found that it was much easier and faster to go digital when I'm scrapping for multiple people as gifts. Yes, I'm a hooked digi scrapper.

Yet, I still cannot give up paper scrapping so I am staying with Memory Works for buying my products and possibly looking into another consultant based company. I haven't decided yet. I may just take time to see how this year plays out.

There is a lot to consider and a lot to think about. How one part of your life can change so quickly bringing about other choices is amazing. I've found that I had a great group of friends in TLC and that I hope I can continue with. So, now what's next? Time will tell but I do look forward to more adventures in life.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

TLC's Friday bomb!

Most former TLC consutlants are feeling pretty shocked and extremely disappointed as the news sinks in that TLC has kicked us to the curb. They e-mailed us Friday afternoon at 4pm (they always post bad news on Friday afternoons) that they dissolved all consultantships and are now a "discount buyer's club". I felt as if someone had socked me in the stomach. I think the only thing that saved me was that I had started getting disillusioned last July when they reneged on incentives then. Still, we thought TLC would survive and hoped it would pull the company together. Well, off to search for a more trustworthy company.....